Saturday, March 12, 2011

Who Are You?

Think for a moment about who you are... and who others know you to be.

I bet we could all come up with a very big list of ways that we identify ourselves. Mine would include some of the following:

Wife, Stay-at-Home-Mom, Stepmom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Neighbor, Work-from-Home-Employee, Women's Ministry Leader, Teacher, Soccer Mom, Dance Mom, etc..

And if we got into the nitty-gritty of what each of these invidual roles entails, take Mom for example, the list of "sub-roles" like cook, taxi-driver, accountant, nurse, counselor, etc. could truly go on and on. When you think about it, there are multiple ways that we are able to identify who we are in life.

By far, the most important identity in my life is who I am in Christ. Truly - knowing that I am a cherished Daughter of the Most High King - is what grounds me and gives me purpose in all my other roles.

But for those in our world who are in literal slavery, their only way of identifying themselves is: Piece of Property. Talk about a heart-wrenching identity!

Many precious Cambodian girls are forced into a life of slavery, resulting in an identity that feels less than human. These sweet girls never know the freedom of being a wife, a mom, a friend... they never experience the joys we all take for granted: the anticipation of a birthday party, the time spent on a personal hobby, the fellowship and wisdom gained from a Wednesday morning bible study, or the ability to keep ourselves physically fit through the exercise class of our choosing. This list goes on and on, as well.

The only dream of enslaved girls - if they even dare to dream it - is for freedom.

Next time you think about who you are, be thankful that you have such a treasured possession: your identity. If I can impact even one life by traveling to Cambodia this summer, and expose just one girl's heart to the love that Jesus has for her - and the freedom and identity He gives - it will be worth it to me. It will be worth it to her. And it will be worth it to Jesus.

Would you consider partnering with me through prayer and/or a financial contribution? You can do so at the top of this page - securely - through Paypal or with the credit/debit card of your choice. I am 2/3 of the way to being fully funded for this trip. And I promise you - the return on your investment will have eternal rewards. SHE IS WORTH IT!

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