Monday, February 7, 2011

Another Chance?

Have you ever wished for another chance at something? A do-over? Most of us have probably failed miserably or sinned grievously at some point in life and longed for a fresh start; a chance to try again and get it right.

Many, many years ago, I was in this predicament in a big way. I had sinned grievously again. I was ashamed and scared, but I was also blessed with many family members and friends who were willing to forgive and who encouraged me as I sought the Lord for a new beginning.

However...there was one person during this time whose response was different from all the rest, whispering to me: "You won't get another chance."

At the time, I responded with a feeble: "I know" and then prayed - and eventually believed - that I would never stray from my Lord again. Sadly, years later...I did. And for the better part of the next decade I lived in the shadow of those words: "You won't get another chance."

I believed for so long that God could never use me; that He really couldn't even possibly love me after everything I'd done; and that I couldn't be free from the guilt and shame of my sins unless I had the forgiveness of every person that I'd wronged. Well, God had something else in mind. I was a slow learner, but He finally got it through my thick skull that the kinda of forgiveness that brings freedom is found ONLY in Jesus Christ. And Jesus paid a HIGH PRICE for my freedom. So how dare I go around hanging my head in shame after His clear demonstration of love for me; His offering of Himself for me on a cruel cross to give me another chance!!

Rest assured, God will never say to you: "You won't get another chance."

God says to you: "My love never ends! My mercies never cease. I am faithful to you; My mercies begin afresh each morning." (see Lam. 3:22-23)

I never dreamed of a trip to Cambodia, or a trip to anywhere "mission-related." I like beaches and surf and sun - not to mention safe food & drinking water and a comfy hotel! But this is one more unexpected answer to years of praying. My journals are full of countless entries, crying out to God, "Lord, use me!" - "Lord, CAN YOU use me?" - "Oh, Lord, I love you...please use me! Don't let my life be a waste."

Can you even imagine, after some of what these Cambodian women and girls have been through, how the darkness of shame must cloud their hearts and minds? How they must believe: I'll never have another chance.

Oh Lord Jesus, you came to proclaim good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. You came to proclaim that we always have another chance with You!

I want to be like you, Lord. I want to go and proclaim it, too!


Jenn W said...

I was lamenting losing my temper with the kids today, something I struggle with, a quick fuse! Oh, how I regret foolishly speaking words that I know will be ashamed of! And all I can think of all afternoon is why would God continue to forgive me?! Why should I have another chance? Thank-you for your well timed blog...just the words I needed to read and hear. I am forgiven! I am free! And what a responsibility and privilege I have to live as a person who is free! I am so thankful you are going to Cambodia! God has big plans for you, I have no doubt...I can't wait to see what He has in store for you!

Unknown said...

Thank you Linda for the reminder of God's amazing grace and forgiveness towards all of us. Love you, MOM

Unknown said...

I was listing the 12 disciples today and then writing a little thing about the apostles and something struck me. After Judas was gone, the remaining disciples thought they should replace him so they took the two most godly men they knew and cast lots and chose Bartholamew. We never hear about him again(?). I think God was chuckling--He had His eye on a prideful, murdering, crazy man as the 12th apostle and didn't need those guys' help choosing Judas' replacement. The more unworthy we know we are, the more He can use us!

Unknown said...

Linda, received your letter today and I to know the power of forgivness. God is merciful to me and I have had many opportunities to travel to Guatemala being apart of God's work and understand your desire. God has and will use us in many ways you never expected when you just give it all to HIM. What a wonderful testamony of God's grace in your life.
I will be praying for your support to come in quickly. With Love, Mrs. Kirk