Monday, June 20, 2011

Join the Copper Club!

As you know, I am traveling to Cambodia in just a few more weeks to minister to women and girls who are at risk of, or have been formerly trafficked. The organization I am traveling with is CGI (The Center for Global Impact) and I am SUPER EXCITED about a new campaign they are launching called The Copper Club - unleashing the power of change.

I'm excited about it for 3 main reasons:

1. Everyone can join the club!
2. You will significantly impact the lives of the poor!
3. God will be glorified!

So just what is the Copper Club? ... Thanks for asking!

The Copper Club is a group of 1000 individuals (that's the goal) who are willing to give 1000 pennies (that's the copper) per month in order to empower the poor and bring glory to God. (In case you don't feel like putting on your thinking cap, that's just 10 bucks a month!!)

You know how most people won't stop to pick up a penny anymore? We don't really value our copper, do we? Well, sadly, most people don't really value the poor and needy in our world, either. Too often, we just look the other way and go on indulging ourselves without even realizing we're doing it.

Starbucks, anyone? Pedicure, much? Cable TV subscription? Ten bucks can give you unlimited texting on your cell phone, but it will give FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION to a real, live young lady in Cambodia. Just TEN BUCKS.

My personal goal is not to find all 1000 of you - I am simply looking for TEN of you who are willing to commit to the Copper Club in the next 24 hours. Your commitment will enable CGI to continue their work in Cambodia where they truly EMPOWER women and girls by teaching them a valuable trade. These ladies then earn a living, gain self-confidence, and are free from the bondage of poverty and the risks of being trafficked. Even better than that is the exposure to the life-changing love of Jesus Christ through CGI - and through YOU!!!

If you are willing to become a member of the Copper Club, please visit this link:

Simply enter $10 (or more) and select "monthly" for the frequency of giving.

I would appreciate it so much if you would comment on my blog, facebook page, send me an email, etc. to let me know you've joined the Club! When you make your first donation, you wil be added to CGI's e-newsletters and will have the joy of receiving updates about how your "copper" is unleashing the power of change in the lives of Cambodian women and girls.

Together we can carry the love of Christ around the world!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No Such Thing as Coincidence

My husband is in Montana for 3 weeks - it's part of his training to become a Geologist. Perhaps that doesn't sound very exciting, but there is a huge GOD STORY behind it all and I'm absolutely thrilled for him. Praise You, Lord!!

In the meantime, I decided that while Mick is away, I would take some time to get my thought life in order. Strange, maybe.. it's not like I couldn't do that while he was home, right? True enough - but with such a break in our normal routine, I thought to myself: how can I make the most of this time apart?

Somehow there is never a shortage of things that God desires (indeed, requires) to be refined in me. I'm thankful that He doesn't overwhelm me with all of my flaws at once, but faithfully chips away - bit by bit - at what is useless in me, and leaves behind something that can shine; something that can be a display of His splendor (Is. 61:3). He is profoundly amazing like that.

I knew almost immediatly that my thought life is where I needed to be focused. "Coincidentally" (not), I picked up a book that I had put down a couple months ago, and lo and behold - right in the middle of the chapter where I'd stopped reading - was this: "In order to enjoy a healthy mind-set, we must, as Oswald Chambers stated, faithfully cultivate and maintain a redeemed thought life."

The chapter went on to discuss in detail our thought life and its impact on us, both positive and negative. Mind you, this isn't the subject matter of this book at all. I didn't expect this in any way when I picked up the book and began reading where I'd left off. And so I bawled like a baby. Why?

Because there's no such thing as coincidence.

Do you ever experience that? Times when God is just SO obvious and SO personal and He just blows you away with His love and grace and involvement in your life? I sure hope so! And if not, then pay closer attention! I am so thankful for those intimate moments; so thankful that He cares enough to remind me that His eye is always upon me; and His heart is always for me. He is my Daddy!!!

As I prepare for Cambodia, I am praying for many different things - not the least of which is that by the time our plane lifts off the ground in Indianapolis, that I will be prepared to minister to the women and girls on the other side of the planet - with a redeemed mind.

Have your way, Lord.