Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Need a good spanking?

It seems more and more people these days can't handle a little straight talk. Even the subject of "spankings" has become extremely controversial. If you don't like straight talk or a little fire in your conversations, you may want to move on with your day.

If, on the other hand, you don't mind a little in-your-face biblical truth, and perhaps even enjoy it; then read on. After all, Jesus wasn't shy about getting in the faces of the religious leaders in his day. Neither was Paul. Neither were countless others, frankly. And while there are certainly situations that call for some strong hand-holding, encouraging words, and a comforting hug; there are others that call for a little (or big) spanking.

My husband and I will sometimes comment to each other that one of our teenagers needs a really good spanking. It's like they are crying out for it! How so? Well, after they've been told something over and over; and they've even suffered the consequences of their poor choices; they sometimes choose to keep doing the same dumb thing again...and again. Can anyone relate?

I find that we are the same way in our individual relationships with God. He clearly tells us exactly how to treat one another; as well as how not to treat one another: For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. - Galatians 5:14-15

Are you listening? We fulfill everything God wants from us if we simply LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Come on now, ya'll. That's what God says to do. No excuses. If you say you are a follower of Jesus, and someone offends you, it's not okay to gossip or hold a grudge or treat them as if they are not worthy of a simple "hello." There are two options:

1. Overlook it! God says that is to your glory. And you'll be acting just like Jesus. Woo-hoooo!!! {Prov. 19:11}

2. If the offense is too serious to overlook, talk TO the person, not ABOUT them. {Matt. 18:15}

3. Yes, I know I said two options. This one isn't optional. Love one another.

And by the way, when you talk TO the person (not ABOUT him or her), make sure you talk to Jesus first. Ask him to guide your every word. I've seen him reconcile relationships beautifully and more honoring than ever when hearts are motivated by seeing him glorified. And I've seen Satan have his destructive way with those who are puffed up by their own perceived goodness and just want to get something off their chest - with no concern for the outcome or God's reputation.

A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends. - Proverbs 16:28

And one more thing. Don't judge your sister in Christ's motives. Don't presume to know why your brother in Christ is doing what he's doing. When you choose to go down this path, you are showing your true colors, not theirs. Most believers we know are truly good-willed people and really do want to honor Jesus with their lives. No one is perfect. We all fail; sometimes BIG. Because we're all a work in progress. That's why we proclaim we need Jesus! That's also why that big fancy word "sanctification" is called a process.

Don't pass judgment in hopes of disguising it as discernment. Discernment breeds wisdom, love, and a desire for unity. Condemnation breeds pride, a critical spirit, and division in the Body of believers. If you find yourself doing that, confess it. Repent and seek forgiveness from God and from those you have involved in your sin. Judging a person's motives is putting yourself above God. It's a dangerous and evil thing to do. ... Yes, evil. ... It is joining forces with Satan himself when we "bite and devour" another believer. Satan, after all, is the accuser of the brethren. We are participating in his plans to destroy God's kingdom work when we taint the reputation of one of God's own children through back-biting and godless chatter.

Now, if you happen to be reading this and you are holding something against a brother or sister in Christ, believe me I know you have good reason. Don't we all? I'm not even kidding. What they did was horrible. They aren't even sorry. You know their heart because look at their actions. You've tried to talk to them and it didn't make a difference.

You know what I say to any and all of that? So many excuses; so little love. God has given you grace upon grace that you don't deserve. At all. Period. That's why it's called grace. We are to love one another. We are to extend God's unbelievable grace to one another. We are to defend and protect our own; flaws and all; not bite and devour one another. We're a family. God says so. Let's act like it!

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. - John 13:35

I've been spanked on this issue more than once; and I'm learning to truly embrace a life of loving and extending grace to others - especially my enemies. And while I doubt if I'll be in the clear until Heaven, it sure feels great doing it! I'm okay with the process. God's got me covered. Sometimes I just need a good spanking.

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