Friday, April 18, 2014

This is your story!

Whether I was a so-called "good" person, or a so-called "bad" person before I met Jesus, the fact is I was a lost person in need of rescue. That's what today is all about. Jesus rescuing me and you through his death on the Cross.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. - Luke 19:10

And this life-changing relationship I have with him is not meant to be privately cherished or fearfully hidden from the public. It is meant to be shared!

When I think of sharing my life story with others, my thoughts never, ever go to what I have done to achieve closeness with him. Joining a particular denomination, reciting certain prayers, or performing specific religious duties does not result in a thriving, joyful relationship with my heavenly Father. Intimacy with God is not accomplished by following a list of do’s and don’ts.

Rather, my life story and the intimacy I experience with my Father is all about him…who he is…how he rescued me…listening to him speak directly to me through his word…the peace he gives me in ‘hopeless’ circumstances…the way he never tires of me, but continues to affectionately pursue me…the miraculous transformation only he could ever make in my naturally sinful heart and mind…resulting in an entirely different “me” with entirely different desires and plans than the “me” who first believed in him.

When you are tempted to work for God’s love…remember the Cross.

When you are bogged down by the weight of your sin…remember the Cross.

When you start to act as though your salvation can be earned or paid back…remember the Cross.

The Cross is evidence of God’s all-consuming love for you. It is evidence that Christ fully paid the price for your sin once and for all. There are no remaining interest payments or hidden taxes he left as your responsibility. And the Resurrection is evidence of his mighty power at work within you. On the day of your salvation, forgiveness was not your only immediate blessing. You were blessed with a whole new life - and this life is to be lived by faith and in the power of the Spirit. In fact, if you are not continuously surrendering to the Spirit, you are not living ‘in Christ’ at all.

Do you need to surrender once again today? Bow at the Cross. Rejoice at the empty grave! This is your story - and that story is meant to be shared.

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