My 8-year-old is learning to ride her bike without training wheels! Woo-hoo!! (Did you catch that part about her being EIGHT years old?) I don't know about you or your kids, but in our family, that's gettin' kinda "old" to be learning how to ride a two-wheeler.
According to the typical age of when babies and young children do things, Lauren has been "delayed" in most things. She crawled late (11 months old), walked late (16 months old), and even talked late. She didn't utter that precious word "Mama" until she was 17 months old. And because of these so-called delays, I remember the moments with clarity and the giddy excitement they produced. The fact is, there is nothing wrong with Lauren, and there is nothing wrong with her "delayed" timing.
Speaking of which, I feel like I typically know when something should happen in any given situation. God blessed me with a half-way decent brain and not-so-shabby organizational/management skills. So whatever is going on, it should pretty much happen according to my schedule. Because trust me, I've looked at all the various possibilities and weighed all the pros, cons, and possible outcomes. So clearly *this* is what should happen and *when* it should happen. It just makes sense!
Well...God isn't restricted to operating within the parameters of human wisdom. In fact, it's his modus operandi to do just the opposite:
Brothers and sisters, look at what you were when God called you. Not many of you were wise in the way the world judges wisdom. Not many of you had great influence. Not many of you came from important families. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and he chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose what the world thinks is unimportant and what the world looks down on and thinks is nothing in order to destroy what the world thinks is important. - 1 Corinthians 1
God has been showing me that his ways are definitely not my ways; and his thoughts are not my thoughts. He chooses to accomplish his purposes in ways that I would not have chosen in any way, shape, or form! He definitely baffles me at times, but I can tell you this - he is trustworthy and good. Of that, I am 100% confident.
I'm so thankful for the ray of sunshine that Lauren is in our lives! And I'm thankful for her "delayed" timing in reaching those special milestones in life. She is a reminder to me that there is most certainly nothing wrong with God's "delayed" timing. As a matter of fact, the most life-changing spiritual milestones in my life have come after what seemed like an inappropriately long amount of time. But those are the moments that made me giddy with excitement when they came; and those are the moments upon which I reflect as a reminder of how great my God truly is. There is NONE like him.
So how about you? Experiencing a so-called delay? Share your thoughts and what God is teaching YOU in the comments below.
UPDATE: The 'delay' is over! On this day, 09.21.13, Lauren began joyfully riding her bike on her own. We prayed first. She said, "Okay, deep breath" and literally took one, and off she went with God by her side. Isn't that just the way he wants it? Trusting him as we go! He's even patient and loving enough to wait until we're ready.
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